Saturday, October 12, 2013

StOmP TiMe!

It's Stomp time again! :) (a.k.a. the LOUDEST time of the year in the music room)

My 4th and 5th grade classes have culminated their rhythm review unit by composing and performing a project inspired by the percussion group, Stomp. I use this project as a way for the students to practice layering contrasting rhythm patterns. The students really enjoy this activity and look forward to it each year. Because I've done it for several years in a row, I've accumulated some really great "trash percussion" instruments. Here are a few of my favorites:

After each group performs their project, I have them answer a few questions about their performance, take each group's picture, and display their projects in the hall:

Here are a few clips from their performances:


  1. What a neat project! I have a question though, what kind of questions do you have them answer about their projects?

    1. Thank you! I have them give their group a name, notate their rhythms, list the trash percussion items they used, and describe their performance. I hope that helps! :)
